Me at Palazzo Poggi Photo: Darla Jackson
Paul Romano is a fine artist and designer working and living in Philadelphia. Romano’s work spans many mediums and aesthetics, nodding to art history and imbued with abstract narrative. He has worked with many aggressive bands across multiple albums, including Mastodon, dälek, Hate Eternal, The Red Chord, and Withered to name a few.
My work is representational, created in a wide variety of media; painting, drawing, sculpture, photography and video. It is a result of personal experience, art history, music, myth and narrative, filtered through allegory, archetype and symbolism. While choosing realistic form, I am not as interested in reality as I am in the ideas of imagination; evocation over accuracy. The audience is left with abstract narratives that ask more questions than give answers. Despite jumping mediums through bodies of work, my methodologies and sensibilities are consistent. Subject matter and formal concerns are strongly linked throughout my oeuvre, giving it a distinct voice.
Design attracted me because of the puzzles it presents and the collaborative nature of the practice. Working with clients across a wide range of industries allows me to expand my knowledge and hone my critical thinking. My approach to design with research, problem solving, innovation, consistency, longevity, refinement and punctuality have been a defining force into most aspects of my person.